Monday, October 16, 2006

Miami Urban Lifestyle | Retail goes urban

Growing group of South Floridians are buying into an urban lifestyle that allows them to live, work and play in the same area. Mixed-use development -- combining stores, restaurants, condos and offices -- is all the rage. Rather than moving west, condo buyers are interested in urban environments that developed naturally in major metropolitan areas.

"We're just at the beginning of a trend that's going to go on for a long time," said Michael Beyard, senior resident fellow for retail and entertainment with the Urban Land Institute. "It reflects the maturing of our cities. We're really seeing a generational shift in retail that's as important as the introduction of the suburban shopping mall."

Society is fueling this shift towards this mix-use development. Baby boomers are empty-nesters now, so they are willing to trade the big house in the suburbs for convenience. The Miami urban lifestyle also appeals to time-strapped young professional who can't stand the daily traffic jams.

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